Family Tree Update – 20180131

Working on your family tree is a labor of love. When a DNA match comes in like this, it makes it triple worthwhile!

Morrison, Turk, Summers et al lines: I received this match via MyHeritage.

At first, I thought it was an elusive match that would help me figure out the Turk line but she isn’t. Actually, she helped me figure out a brick wall. She’s a Morrison! Via AncestryDNA, I know who Jerry Morrison’s father is and he has three half-siblings I knew nothing about! This DNA match is the grand-daughter of Jerry’s half-sister. Without DNA, there is no way I’d make this connection. No way.

I’ve been able to identify some Summers DNA matches so, slowly, it’s starting to come together.

White, Meredith, Bergeon lines: These lines are large and they cross. Somewhere outside of my immediate family, a White and a Meredith had a child. So did a White and a Bergeon. So did a Meredith and a Bergeon. And, for the record, so did a Bergeon and a Summers, which is my maternal side. It is painful to see, via DNA, the effect slave trading had on families. Thankfully, I received a high level Meredith match and was able to sort the Meredith side a bit better, and find the cross over. By far, the majority of my matches are paternal right now.

That’s it, for now. I have a list of people I still have to contact. I’m working up to it.

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