Solo’d the Outside Boss

I ventured outside and my lungs held up well! It was as if I was out of town. So much has changed!

Your girl solo’d the Outside Boss yesterday. I won! The Mother Nature boss threw in some adds (rain) but I handled that too like a champ! It was like I was visiting out of state because I recognized almost nothing! I saw areas that have been redone and they are beautiful! I love finding beauty in unexpected places. Downtown is popping at night? I’m going to have to see it to believe it.

One thing I’d forgotten about: people like to touch me. Tap, pat or hug me. And talk to me. They will walk past other people, come sit down at my table, and talk. Others will join until the table is filled. So much for me chilling, giving my lungs a break and playing Sudoku 😂. It was cool, I enjoyed it! We shared a bit of our lives with each other and I learned a lot! It reminded me of the hospitality I experienced in Texas. I’ve shared in the past how people like to share things with me in the most random places, like the grocery store. I’d forgotten about that.

I was tired when I came home. The L, D & and I were all up very late the night before so when I got back, we all took a two hour nap. We got less than 5 hours total yesterday but we’re on our normal schedule today. I was up past 4am so I had a long day yesterday. My lungs are sore today but I did good considering it was humid and pollen levels were high yesterday.

I came out the bubble for awhile. I’ll talk more about it in a video. I’m sharing this because I know I’m not the only person recovering from an illness and realizing how different the world is locally (I interact with people all over the world daily).

You’re not alone.

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