The Walking Dead ~ Your choices matter

I previously wrote about the art of telling a good story, reflecting how the story in Diablo 3 derailed. I am pleased, after that experience, a game with a great storyline fell into my lap. What game? The Walking Dead. And it challenges me too…similar to old school Mass Effect.

I previously wrote about the art of telling a good story, reflecting how the story in Diablo 3 derailed. I am pleased, after that experience, a game with a great storyline fell into my lap. What game? The Walking Dead. And it challenges me too…similar to old school Mass Effect.

In The Walking Dead, you play Lee Everett, a convicted murderer who, like other citizens of Georgia, are trying to survive against a zombie invasion. The game is similar to Mass Effect where the decisions you make in the game have a large impact on how the story evolves. Except there is a twist: some of the responses are timed and some choices you have to make are messed up.

For example: you can only save one person. Who lives? Who dies? The clock is ticking…decide!!

I love it! The game is released in episodes. I finished episodes 1 and 2, with 3 coming out later this month. I’m looking forward to it.

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