I miss you Monarch – I love you…

There are times when I really miss my Mom. We laughed every day, even when she was sick and that is what I miss the most.

There are times when I really miss my Mom. We laughed every day, even when she was sick and that is what I miss the most. I miss laughing with her and seeing her smile. She believed strongly in celebrating life instead of mourning death. Today, we dedicated it to her by doing things we know would make her smile and laugh if she could be here with us. And the tradition continues – we have giggle fits every day in this house. Because that is what home should be – filled with joy and love.

This is one of my favorite pictures of her and it captures the two people I love and miss so much. Monarch and the geekiest picture ever of my older brother on the piano in between the bowling tournament trophy he won and one of my favorite pictures of him…he looked so handsome in his prom picture.

And those boots…I loved those boots. Mom would patiently let me string them up and I swore one day…I would rock boots just like her. She was with me when I bought my first “grown up” boots. Mine were black with five inch stiletto heels…and she taught me how to walk in them so I wouldn’t break my neck. 🙂

I love you forever and always…

*Bro…you told me when I was six years old to take care of Mom. I did. Now it’s your turn…I love you…*

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