Fake dates? Match.com? Why not just use your blog?

It seems Match.com is being sued by a man who claims Match.com is paying employees to go on fake dates. I have to admit, every time I hear Match.com I think of Chris and Ponzi who I “think” met through Match.com and are happy. I personally don’t see myself using a service like that because, well, I have a blog and the guy I’d be interested in better have something…

Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with services like Match.com or eHarmony, but if this is happening (Yahoo is getting sued too) I bet it is because people are waking up and realizing they can easily meet people through their blogs, and have a better chance of success because of shared interests. For me the internet helped me:

  1. Meet new people online all the time.
  2. Meet the coolest people who ended up being my bestest friends.
  3. Stumble over the fact that the fiance I thought died was alive.
  4. Help people – I enjoy doing that.

Is it that far of a jump to think I might meet the man of my dreams online? Ok, I don’t have a man of my dreams. I’m a geek, which means I’m smart, which means I know better than to have a preset idea of the “perfect guy” because I will miss out on the man who might be perfect for me because he doesn’t match the idea I have in my mind. Hence – it’s a blank slate…makes life much easier. I have two preferences – I prefer the guy to be taller than me, so I can wear my heels (and lay my head on his shoulder) and he must actively use a computer. Other than that, if he’s bald, that means less time in a mirror primping. If he’s fat, the sex will make him lose weight. If he’s broke, where this is a will there is a way. If he lives in Alaska we’ll compromise on place to live. Hurdles are made to be jumped over, right? I’ll either jump over it or knock the sucker down.

I know quite a few people who met their loves online, many had to relocate to be together. Distance is only as large as one makes it. The couples I know who met online and got married around the same time as couples who dated traditionally always outlast the traditional couples. I have yet to encounter a couple who met online that divorced before the traditional couple. I think the reason why is because online couples learn to efficiently and effectively communicate. They have to otherwise the relationship would never get off the ground in the first place.

Anyway, “if” the fake dates and personal ads are true, companies are doing this because of the onslaught of blogs. Who needs a middleman when you can do it for yourself?

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