RhymeTyme Happy New Year!

Can you think of a better way to start off the new year than a rhyme?

It’s that time.
Been a while since I did a rhyme.
I can hear my thoughts in my mind chime.
My words, my voice…my partners in crime.

No idea where the time flew.
During that time, I grew.
I stopped fighting the things I knew.
And accepted them to be true.

The truth…about me.
Honestly, I wanted to flee.
Now I look back and dance with glee.
With the realization the truth will set you free.

Things happen in life that suck.
That’s no excuse to get stuck.
Or blame it on bad luck.
I know I am strong. I don’t give a fuck.

Life will place a bunch of crap on my plate.
Every day I can create a new slate.
I’m not going to stop trying to be great.
I will shape my destiny and embrace my fate.

Negativity? Not giving it a second glance.
It’s a blessing to have a chance.
I’ll seduce opportunity like a romance.
And appreciate life while doing a happy dance.

I promise I will love those I hold dear.
Experience new things with no fear.
Celebrate life with joy and cheer.
From Tyme to you…

Happy New Year! 2015

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